Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

Hey everyone, happy 4th of July week! I planned to get this recipe out to you earlier, but a random 48 hour flu bug decided to prevent that. I'm hoping there might be a few of you who are last minute planning something to bring to your family parties the upcoming fourth of July weekend and this is the perfect party dip. After  so many of you requested this, I have finally delivered. So, now on to the good part: how to make it.

Let's start off with what you need:
-1 cup smooth peanut butter
-8 oz of cream cheese (room temp)
1/2 cup butter (room temp)
1 cup light brown sugar
1.5 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup cooking oats
1 cup peanut butter m&m's
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 

***for the chocolate chips you can add to your discretion, if you like things really chocolatey, add more, if you just want a subtle touch, add less.
Also, add in whatever m&m's you want. The first few times I made this I used regular. I recently switched to peanut butter filled ones because I personally think they taste better. You can also cater it to the event. So for example with the fourth of July coming up, you could put red, white, and blue m&m's in it to fit the theme.

Now for the instructions:
-Grab a large mixing bowl and combine the peanut butter, cream cheese and butter. Beat on high until completely combined.
-Next, add in brown sugar, powdered sugar, and cooking oats. Beat again until fully combined and light/fluffy.
- Lastly, add in your chocolate chips and m&ms and mix until its evenly distributed throughout the "dough"
-Store in fridge until you are ready to serve! *You will want to thaw it for a few minutes once taken out of the fridge because it hardens a bit.
That's it you guys, it is so dang simple and so so tasty! It really is my favorite and has been a crowd pleaser every time I make it. 
Pair this dip with vanilla wafers, teddy grahams, graham crackers or pretzels.

A fun way to use the recipe:
I recently made this for a bridal event for my sister, unfortunately the dip and I didn't make it because cue that lovely little flu bug I experienced, but I had put them together in advance as a cute way to display for her party. I grabbed plastic champagne glasses and filled it with the dip and then "garnished" with vanilla wafers. They turned out so cute, and would have been even cuter if they made it to the event (sorry Manda and Lindsey). 
As always, I like to give credit where it is deserved. I found the original recipe here . Her recipe is a little different than the one I have shared. I added in and took out a few things, but obviously it was where the inspiration for what has become my favorite dip came from.

Cheers everyone! Have an amazing Fourth of July!

xo H


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