Monday, January 20, 2020

At Home Teeth Whitening Experience with Smile Brilliant

Hi everyone! I am mixing things up compared to my usual posts to talk to you about a company I started working with called Smile Brilliant. Smile Brilliant was kind enough to send me over one of their teeth whitening kits to try and also one to give to one of my followers! So stay tuned until the end of this post for your chance to enter! Before the giveaway I am going to explain to you how the Smile Brilliant teeth whitening kits works and what I liked about it! 
How it works:
I received my kit in the mail that contained whitening and desensitizing gel, teeth mold holders and a base/catalyst paste to create your own custom teeth whitening trays. What I really like about their kit is that you make a mold that is the exact shape of your teeth and fill the whitening paste in your custom mold so it is truly getting everywhere on your teeth. I like this so much more than other forms of whitening that just have a strip that is not fit to your specific teeth shape. You then will follow the instructions in the pamphlet they sent to make your custom molds. I will admit I was intimidated to make my own molds for fear of messing them up, but it was super easy and if you mess up they have a second set in the kit for you to do it again which I loved! 
the teeth whitening kit
Your molds are made, what next?
My teeth molds to send to the lab
Once your molds are finished you will package them in your pre-packed bag included in your kit and pop that as well as a consent card and send them in the mail to Smile Brilliant. I think it took me about two weeks to receive back my custom made trays. Once your trays are ready, then you are ready to whiten!
Custom whitening trays
The whitening process:
So what I loved the most about this teeth whitening kit is that you can custom the amount of time you do it. Only want to spend 45 minutes? Thats okay. Want to keep them in for 3 hours? Also okay. They recommend 1-3 hours, and that you should do it with what feels comfortable to you and how well you handle whitening products. Speaking of handling whitening products, any of you experience teeth sensitivity with whitening? I sure do and it makes it almost unbearable to finish, but here is the ringer, that desensitizing gel I mentioned in the beginning is a god send. I have no sensitivity while whitening and I kept my trays in for as long as two hours! I truly didn't think it would work as well as it did, but wow it made my experience flawless.

Fun Facts:
1. You can use the same whitening and desensitizing gel syringe multiple times (it is not a one and done)
2. Whitening trays are actually safer to use on your teeth than strips, because the strip literally STRIPS your enamel(hence why they can be painful... and take it from experience they are)
3. Teeth whitening is a flawed term to describe the process. Teeth whitening is defined as the removal of stains to bring your teeth to their original state, not just changing their color to "white".
My Whitening Process:
It took me a little over a week to see results. I also wasn't able to do it every single day since I worked varying shifts at the hospital, which interfered with my regular whitening process.  As anything in life consistency is key. Also, everyone is different so some processes work quicker or slower for others. I have genuinely noticed a removal of staining from my teeth which truly says something considering I drink coffee every day, all day. I noticed zero sensitivity (thank you desensitizing gel) and usually would whiten at night before bed while watching Netflix or reading. I found this most effective, because I would eat dinner and be done with food for the night and then would pop in my trays, relax for a bit, and then as I was done whitening I was getting ready for bed.

My Impression:
This has been my best experience with whitening out of all methods I have tried. I feel my teeth look much better compared to when I started and I love that it was not a painful process compared to other encounters I have had with whitening products. 

So now for the exciting part, the giveaway! Smile Brilliant has given me one extra kit to gift to one of you followers! All you have to do it click the link below, fill out the info(it is super quick and easy) and you are done!


For those of you who either do not win or just can not wait to get their own Smile Brilliant kit use my code heatherlo15 to get a 15% discount!
I hope you all found this informative and helped you better understand the whitening process and why Smile Brilliant is so great! Take care all.
xo H
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